
Mommy Makeovers

Dear god, if I'm ever in the hospital I want to be like this lady.

Lady: why do I have to take a bath anyway?

Me: you want to look good for your family, right? And that big group of nice looking doctors are going to come see you in the morning.

Lady: (brightens) oh. Can you give me a boob job?

Me:  (trying not to explode in laughter) A boob job? Well, I don't know if we do that kind of thing here, even at night in the icu.

Lady: well, you surely see them here. What do you think? Do they look good?  I mean, I just want your opinion.

Me: yeah, I think they look great. But I don't know if I would get one.

Lady: You should really go to Utah. They call them mommy makeovers there. You can get a discount if you win some kind of competition. Because you need about twelve thousand dollars of work, honey.



  1. Hi there. I would just like to inform you that touché is actually spelledwith an accented e, not an e with an apostrophe after it.

  2. Deepest apologies. Just so you know, many of these entries are typed on a phone. This one may have actually been typed before I got a smartphone (the horrors!!). I will pay more careful attention to my grammar in the future.
