
This never gets old.

One of my favorite parts of my job is the phone. Not talking on the phone (which I actually loathe), but the phones in the hospital rooms.

Patients in an ICU, even the ones who are so-called "with it", don't often remember phone numbers well. It can be the pain meds, it can be just being tired from people waking you up for vital signs and neuro checks all the time (we do both hourly). But no one remembers phone numbers as good as they think when they're in the icu. This wouldn't be so funny if the patients weren't universally convinced they had it right every time.

Last night I heard the same woman have this same conversation with probably a dozen different people she called:

"Hey! It's Mary ... Listen, I'm getting out tomorrow, I need you to bring me my clothes ... What? No, I'm not in jail, I'm at the hospital ... Who? Wait, this isn't Ray? Damn it." (hangs up)

On the last call she said, "Wait, I do want to order a pizza, that sounds like a great idea..." they never did bring a pizza, though, poor lady.



Patient: what's your name?

Me: (tells her my name)

Patient (brightening): oh! You're the same white girl with the crazy hair that was here last week, too!


That's what I always think when I first wake up...

"man, when I woke up and my husband wasn't here in the room with me, I thought I was in a prostitution ring or something. That's why I was trying to get up out of the bed. I didn't want to get busted."

Oh honey, I can so relate...

While using my stethoscope to listen to the stomach of an 84 year old man...

"I'm not pregnant, am I? Please don't tell me I'm pregnant, it would really mess with my retirement planning and I don't know what I'd tell my wife."