
So they did get my application. Clinical started again.

Remember when I said I was afraid to start normal (read: non-psych hospital) rotations again because I felt stagnating in Psych? Yeah, so. That happened, and good hell, I felt STUPID my first day back on a regular floor.

I did a few cool things like give an IV push med (in this particular instance, Lasix). As soon as I gave it I thought I should get her up to help her to the bathroom. Then I thought, nah, I'll give her until she is ready and she'll let me know. I should have known better, and so I had to clean up. A bunch of little things I was just STUPID about. LOL. We got out early and I am tireder than ever. We did get to chart on the computer, though, for the first time, which was cool.

I just wonder if I will ever feel competent in a nursing environment again. I am sad because reading some of my old posts, I was really starting to feel good at this whole gig, and today I walked out feeling 10 kinds of stupid, and 20 kinds of unemployable as a nurse.

Then on my way home from clinical, the hospital from the interview a couple of weeks ago called, and they wanted me to come shadow after all! Woo-hoo. So that helped me feel better today.


Whew. Hell of a week.

So I had my first nursing interview. After I left there, I felt awesome about it - I felt so much rapport with the people I talked to and one of the managers reminded me of my cousin and lived down the street from my high school, etc.

They won't know how many openings they have until at least Feb, maybe even March. So it'll be a longer process than I'd like.

And even though I felt awesome right afterward, the longer I get from the actual interview, the more things I can think of where I said something completely fucking stupid. Why is that always true? WTF?

They did also say that they're telling people that if they get another offer somewhere else and I want to know whether they would hire me or not, to call them. So if I do get an offer, I can see what they say. They are supposed to be calling me to schedule a day when I can go shadow someone on the unit. I really felt so at home there, and I'd love to work there, but I really still want to shadow to just get more information and talk to more people and reinforce my impressions if I can.

I also started clinical again. And class. And lab. I am not used to doing this many things at once again yet. I know I was good at it just a few months ago, but it feels very rusty right now.


So... job searching.

I have an interview next Wednesday. No one else in my program has been on any interviews yet so no one can give me any idea what the fuck they will be looking for. It's really early to be called for an interview, maybe they are just really into my resume and stuff.

It's at probably one of my top 2 choices in places I want to work - on a Hematology Oncology unit at a Children's Hospital. I am surprised they called me because I just drafted my resume and put it out there and I still feel like it sucks. But anyway, they called and I have an interview.

So I have a week to prepare/crash course/freak out. What do I doooooooo???


Happy New Year

So, I scoured the internet for a good photo, phrase, or thing that would be worth a thousand words, in terms of how my 2008 went. well, here you go.

edited to add: I have no idea why the stupid image is showing as transparent and unreadable. Way to be a buzzkill, blogspot. here is a link, in case it's unreadable for you too. http://mine.icanhascheezburger.com/view.aspx?ciid=2925464

Happy 2009. May your test questions be good and your sleep be restful. or not.