
So they did get my application. Clinical started again.

Remember when I said I was afraid to start normal (read: non-psych hospital) rotations again because I felt stagnating in Psych? Yeah, so. That happened, and good hell, I felt STUPID my first day back on a regular floor.

I did a few cool things like give an IV push med (in this particular instance, Lasix). As soon as I gave it I thought I should get her up to help her to the bathroom. Then I thought, nah, I'll give her until she is ready and she'll let me know. I should have known better, and so I had to clean up. A bunch of little things I was just STUPID about. LOL. We got out early and I am tireder than ever. We did get to chart on the computer, though, for the first time, which was cool.

I just wonder if I will ever feel competent in a nursing environment again. I am sad because reading some of my old posts, I was really starting to feel good at this whole gig, and today I walked out feeling 10 kinds of stupid, and 20 kinds of unemployable as a nurse.

Then on my way home from clinical, the hospital from the interview a couple of weeks ago called, and they wanted me to come shadow after all! Woo-hoo. So that helped me feel better today.

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