
Hot vag...

Nurse:  "I just checked again and you don't have a fever."
Patient: "But I feel like I do!  Can you check under my arm?"

Nurse takes patient's temperature under her arm.

Nurse:  "You're still not febrile."
Patient:  <Big sigh> "All right then, can you put that thermometer in my vagina then?  Because I bet I have a temperature there."


Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

I hate that I have succumbed to the laziness that is posting only on facebook so this page is becoming less and less relevant.  I am going to look into apps to change that.  Because lately, facebook has a much better app for posting things from pages than Blogger does.  And when I post something here, then I have to go get a link and then post to facebook.  I hate that now I am in a demographic that this really takes too much time for.  What a cliché I have become. 

Anyhow, does anyone know of good apps or anything?