
This week

Tuesday, September 23 I had an 18 page care plan due at clinical. She gave them back with corrections and wanted it returned on Tuesday, September 30.

Thursday, September 25 I had to go take a test on campus for nursing management.

Sunday, September 28 I had a 5 page paper due for nursing management.

Wednesday, October 1, I had to go to lab to test out on tracheostomy care, tracheostomy suctioning, and chest tube care. Before going to do this, I had to go to the computer lab and complete 2 3-hour (approximately) modules. I had to make sure to get to the lab to practice the tracheostomy care and chest tube care, so that I wouldn't fail and need to do it over again.

Thursday, October 2, I had a test on 3 weeks of material for psych nursing.

The care plan was accepted with minimal revisions required. It took maybe half an hour to complete the things she suggested.

I took the nursing management test and got an 80. I was OK with that, even though it's the lowest grade I have gotten so far in nursing school, because I've been doing what I can this week and am not going to beat myself up.

The 5 page paper - I turned it in at 11:59 (it was due at midnight). I still have not gotten my grade for that.

I passed lab skills testing.

I just finished the psych nursing test a few minutes ago. I got a 92. And seriously, the only studying I did for this was some time after clinical in the hospital cafeteria going over sample questions from an NCLEX book. I have spent less than 2 hours studying for this.

I feel like I just escaped from a burning building. I am disheveled, sleep deprived, have bloodshot eyes, and when someone asks me how I am I want to burst into tears. But I somehow survived. It's really been making me think about how much I really want to do this nursing thing, that is for sure.

Oh, and in the middle of all this I had a major project release at work, which (someone someplace decided) required daily conference calls. I don't even get paid to work every day. I was calling in from the car on my way to lab some days. It was ridiculous. I was getting emails first thing in the morning asking if things had been fixed overnight. It was really enough to make me do a double take.

I got an employee review this week and was told I am doing well. I am not even sure how that worked out, sort of like I am not sure how any of this worked out, including my test grade.

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