
The morning everyone thought I was a drug seeker

So, my husband was out of town Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday night was clinical and Thursday morning was our first Psych exam.

Wednesday night I was completing homework at the last minute, and I heard some rustling. It sounded like someone was in our laundry room and that freaked me out. I threw a book near the door to that room so whoever it was would get scared thinking "Hey, someone's here!" and book it. Well, it was quiet for a while and then it started again. Rinse, lather, repeat. As I was finishing up my homework, I saw a fucking RAT come out from under the laundry room door and come towards the room I was in.

Here's where it gets weird, because I am not sure why I reacted like this. I was SO ANGRY that some motherfucking rat would invade my house I RAN AT IT and yelled "You motherfucker!". It turned around quick and went back underneath the door to the laundry room, but if it hadn't I wonder what sort of disease process I would be coming down with right now.

So we have rats, and we found this out while my husband was on a business trip. The night before a big test.

So I woke up the next morning, and as I am getting my kids ready,I realize I have no ritalin left for my test. I am extremely, horribly, ADD. I have never actually taken any sort of assessment or test for school unmedicated. It would be my worst nightmare, as it's difficult enough with meds.

So I got the kids off to day care and got to the CVS early. I was waiting around for them to open the pharmacy, and when they did I gave them my oldest Ritalin prescription (I take Ritalin PRN/as needed, so I often have 3-4 prescriptions I haven't filled in my purse). She said it was expired so I flipped through my pile of scripts to find the newest one and gave it to her.

I didn't realize until later what a total drug seeking loser I must have looked like. She did ultimately fill the script and not ask me anything, so I assume something caused her to think I was legit. But I shudder to think what she must have been thinking.

I got a 94 on the first test, and a 95 on that assignment I was up late finishing, by the way, so it all worked out. But that was probably one of the worst 24 hour sequences of my life, what with rats, a test, a late homework assignment, and locking my house key in the house after I left. Luckily I did already have my computer, so I went to a coffee shop to take it (we take our tests online).

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